Lifestyle & Nutritional Coaching: Digging Deeper

Posted: May 19, 2016 By: Comment: 0

Lifestyle and health transformation can happen at unexpected times from unassuming people, which is why we are featuring Stella Loven’s firsthand experiences working with Balans Nutritional and Lifestyle Consultant, Maura McCartney, through Stella’s blog series. Make sure to read last week’s blog post and stay tuned  for next week’s post to witness more of Stella’s health transformation!

by Stella Loven, 38 yrs, Boston, MA

“I get homework from my coach Maura. Homework was never really my specialty.
But, given the realizations and improvements I’ve experienced so far under Maura’s guidance I am simply to curious to learn where her method will take me. I have to write a diary, preferably every night before bed describing what I am grateful for and what I am satisfied/unsatisfied with.

That means I will not be able to fall asleep watching Bravo. Or in my daughter’s bed after reading countless “Llama Llama” stories.

I am off to a poor start. The first day I forget all about the diary, perhaps I am in a classic Dr Phil denial? Or I am not as grateful as I should be?

Second day is better. In my notebook I’m listing everything I can think of, first thing on the list are my grandparents. The grateful-list is not very long, yet a warm feeling spreads inside me.
Time for the unsatisfied-list! Wow, it turns out to be about as long as an IKEA receipt after moving to a new house (i.e. it’s massive).

During the week the notebook gets a daily update, listing my gratitude and (un)satisfactions. The homework assignment turns into a quiet, self-reflective moment and I end up being grateful for the moment itself. In this fast-paced existence of building/supporting family, careers and making life work, turning my focus within is definitely new experience. Dreams and memories from the past surface together with current issues and struggles.

For our next session, I send Maura the diary in advance. She opens by saying:
“Great material Stella!! Have a seat, today we’ll talk about how to satisfy what you’re really craving and how to get truly satisfied in your life”

All I can think is that I am grateful to be sitting in the chair facing her.”