Explore your best self

Posted: December 21, 2015 By: Comment: 0

Explore the best version of yourself with these simple tips.

While this time of year brings excitement, joy and pleasure, you may find it might also leave you feeling stressed, overwhelmed or tired. As we transition into a new year, take this time to reflect on yourself, your purpose and intentions.

What does this time of year truly mean to you?

If there were simple, yet effective habits and exercises that would allow you to nurture yourself, your time, your family and surroundings more, would you start practicing them today? You’re in luck because we have put together a list to help you do just that.

I challenge you to incorporate just two or three of the suggestions below starting today.


Self-care. When you focus on nourishing your health, mind, and body you will notice your life flourishes in incredible ways.

  1. Create a gratitude list and add 2 new items each morning
  2. Practice gentle stretching to release tight muscles
  3. Eat predictably and regularly
  4. Create a grab bag of healthy snacks for your car or travels
  5. Listen to soothing music instead of having the TV on
  6. Take slow, deep breathes more regularly
  7. Buy clothes that fit your body well today
  8. Have a plan in place to avoid overeating or mindless eating
  9. Spend your time with the ‘energy makers’ and less with the ‘energy takers’
  10. Celebrate your small successes
  11. Spend more time outdoors (even in the winter!)
  12. Reconnect with an old friend
  13. Fill ½ your plate with fruits and vegetables
  14. Begin each day with a tall glass of lemon water
  15. Make a list of your top 3 goals for the New Year (both small and big goals are welcome!)
  16. Find a phrase that empowers you- write it, print it, repeat it
  17. Value your sleep as much as you value the necessity to breathe and eat
  18. Don’t let a stressor control you, remember that you are always in control


In good health,

Maura McCartney

Nutrition and Health Consultant at Balans and Balans Organic Spa